After over a year in lock-down, we made it to another show. This is the big 4 day festival which I have attended for over 10 years. It now takes place at the Norwich Showground and it didn’t disappoint.
With lower attendance than in previous years, probably due to Covid-19 it was really well organised and car clubs were grouped close enough so no one was left out. There is plenty of entertainment provided by the many different car clubs, with many cos-play themes out there. Some people like to dress up and parade around on an evening. Many are happy to sit and cosey around their camp fires and bbq’s and chat about cars. Many old friendships are re-ignited, and lots of new friends made. Everyone who attended, some for their first time, all said they would come again next year.
Unfortunately, it appears this will be the last JAE event. Sadly, there has been no announcement of the 2022 show and the web site appears to be down permanently. Instead, I will be attending the Yakushi show for the first time. Details here